N°4: DT&V W/180 Target Groups + Build & Maintain The Telemedicine Digital Warehouse


Work Package 4 aims to adopt and validate the Micro-Credentials in Telemedicine and Digital Health, involving at least 180 target groups of students and professionals.

Validation Plan

A comprehensive validation plan will outline the procedures and methods used to test and validate the micro-credentials. This plan will include criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and suitability of the training materials.

Digital Warehouse

The Telemedicine Digital Warehouse will serve as an e-learning platform, providing a digital repository for the micro-credentials. This platform will enable online and blended training formats, incorporating interactive tools and multimedia content to enhance the learning experience.

Training and Feedback

At least 180 students and professionals will be trained using the micro-credentials in real-life operational settings. Feedback from users and trainers during the validation phase will be used to fine-tune the training materials, ensuring they are effective and user-friendly.

Quantitative Indicators

  • Development of the Validation Plan and its approval by all partners.
  • Number of students/professionals involved in testing the micro-credentials.
  • Number of visits to the Telemedicine Digital Warehouse.